Poems Dedicated to Seán Mac Diarmada

Poem about Seán Mac Diarmada

The Patriot Seán Mac Diarmada by Brigid McGloin

Poem dedicated to Seán Mac Diarmada

In Memoriam by Teresa Brayton

Poem about Seán Mac Diarmada

Seán Mac Dermott by Laurence McGowan

Poem "Seán Mac Dermott In Memory Of Kiltyclogher"

Seán Mac Dermott in memory of Kiltyclogher by Lily O'Hagan

Poem Brave Seán McDermott of Corranmore<br />

Brave Seán Mac Dermott of Corranmore by T. Carney

Poem - Seán McDermotts March<br />

Seán Mac Dermott's March by Alice Milligan

Poems Dedicated to Seán Mac Diarmada